Just how do you say Thank You?

I am so thankful for the friends I have. Last week I sent out a plea for help. Those I know and trust (along with a couple new additions I hadn’t met to that point) all showed up to lend a hand.

It was not a task for the faint of heart to be sure. The call went out for hands to help me replace the roof on our home.

Not one man that showed up complained, or thought me crazy for not hiring it out, they just muscled up and ran right along side of me.

To all of you my hat is off as I graciously bow in honor of your efforts.

Thanks to that crew, the family will be warm and dry this winter.

Also a very special thanks to Mama and her assistant who made certain the kitchen fires stayed lit, and the table full of wonderful home cooked meals.

Homemade Lasagna, Chicken Pot Pie, cake, brownies, sandwiches made to order, coffee, hot chocolate, and even more flowed out of the kitchen to those brave enough to stand against the blistering north wind that did it’s best to drive us off the roof.

But amid the reverence I have for all who came to my aid, one man in particular stands out and proves that no matter how busy life can get, when a friend needs help you just help.

This man is one of my dearest friends that I often refer to as a brother. His passion for the film industry, combined with the insane pace of life in our home merge together to form a vast canyon that keeps us farther apart than either one of us would like.

Right in the midst of his endeavor to direct, produce, add special effects, and edit a TV pilot episode (yes he does it all), he stepped away to assist my family, and brought along his wife who was kind enough to help Mama keep a slew of hungry men fed.

His gracious efforts struck my silly self hard enough to silence the smart ass that hides in my head and fill me with a sense of humbleness and awe.

I had known just how busy his days (and nights) were on the project, so out of respect for him I refrained from asking for his help. Yet there he was, smiling and ready, standing at the base of the ladder.

And just how do you thank a man like that? What could I possibly do that would even hold a candle in comparison?

The simple answer- I can’t… yet.

Trust me folks, the day will come. See, those that I call family (a classification that includes my closest friends) know if my phone rings with an urgent cry for help, I will drop everything to lend a hand.

Any time of day or night, the weather, even distance won’t matter. I will be there.

That is exactly what Movie Man did for me. No warm studio to keep him from a wind so bitter that even the most seasoned plumbers butt crack runs for cover.

All I can do for the moment is remind him of that fact, even though I know he already knows it.

So Movie Man, there’s yet another reminder for ya!

I can smell the popcorn Mama has popping away in the kitchen, time to dim the lights, grab your woman (or vise versa) and settle in for Part I of “The Collar”, from the studio of my friend, Movie Man.

(Or you can see it HERE later)


One response to “Just how do you say Thank You?

  1. What a treasure to have a true friend of such outstanding character!

    Liked by 1 person

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