
Be the Change

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Be the Change.”

That’s a question that made me scratch my head a bit. I did not originally start my blog to change anything except my writing skills.

But over the past couple months, and a re-read of my own blog, I actually hope my blog has a bit of impact on the world, no matter how small.

Skimming through it, I realized that this tiny corner of the digital world actually does say something.

It has become a personal record of my family more than anything else.

– How I met Mama: It’s All About The Screws…

– Adventures into the great out doors with my kids: I won’t tell Mama about your flying ‘mobile Daddy

– My daughters wedding: Smiles Tears and Nerves

This day in age I see so many families that are just too busy for time well spent together.

It is my hope that this little blog might be stumbled upon by many, and maybe inspire even just one person on the importance of family.

Children need love and adventure. If they can’t find it at home, then they will find it elsewhere.

I for one would much rather give them what they need than leave them to satisfy their curiosity in an uncaring world.

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